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E.L. Haynes Return to Sports Protocol

Sports will launch on APRIL 26 and continue through JUNE 4, 2021.

Prior to participating in athletics ALL STUDENT ATHLETES MUST: 

  1. Register to play sports online at www.Gohaynes.org beginning Tuesday, April 13, 2021
  2. Have a valid physical on file with the school to participate in any workouts or practices, following DOH guidelines.

Once the student is approved to participate they will be notified via email

Spring 2021 Sports: 

HS Boys Soccer
HS Girls Soccer 

HS Girls Lacrosse 
HS Coed Track and Field 

HS Cheerleading
MS Boys Soccer
MS Girls Soccer
MS Coed Track and Field (TBD)

Training Schedule: 

The workout schedule will be posted on www.GoHaynes.org. The coach or the Athletic Director will also email the workout schedule to students.  Practices will be one per week, unless you participate in Track, which will meet three times per week in advance of their meet in May.  

Requirements prior to each training session: 

  • Parents or guardians should check with their child before travelling to campus to determine if they have any COVID-19 symptoms.  
  • Students and coaches/staff will complete a COVID screening prior to entering the field.

When on site: 

  • Student athletes and coaches should arrive no earlier than 15 minutes before their scheduled workout time. Students should go to the field arrival tent for screening and field location assignments.
  • You must complete a health screening, where your temperature will be taken.
  • Any student who is determined to have a temperature over 100.4, whether at home or at school, will be sent home. Students who have a temperature of over 100.4 SHOULD NOT attend the training session.
  • If anyone answers “YES” to any of the COVID symptom questions, they will not be permitted to participate.


Students must bring:

  • Personal Mask – mark mask with name/initials. Mask will be worn when traveling to and from the field and any time there is no physical activity occurring but will not be worn during the workout.
  • Individual/personal towels, small AND large one – mark towels with your name.
  • Individual/personal water bottle, filled, with their name on the bottle.
  • Pair of cleats and/or pair of running shoes.
  • Locker rooms (and restrooms) will be closed and off-limits.


  • Only students and coaches will be allowed at any session. Parents/Guardians must remain either in their vehicles or in the family seating area if they remain socially distanced.
  • Students will be placed in groups/pods of 10 or fewer.
  • During practice they must maintain 6 feet of social distancing space between each other. 
  • The no-touch rule will be in effect. All individuals will need to avoid physical contact with others including high fives, huddles, or other close contact occurring before, during and after workouts.
  • No congregating before, during or after a workout session.
  • You must exit out of the opposite gate or entrance in which you entered.
  • Students are encouraged to avoid carpooling if possible. If they are carpooling we encourage them to carpool with individuals from the same workout pod, and the use of masks while driving together.


  • Outdoor sinks must be used upon checking in and entering the playing field.
  • Hand sanitizer will be available for athletes and coaches. However, students should not rely on hand sanitizer alone; they should wash their hands as often as possible.
  • Staff will disinfect before, during, and after all training sessions. 


What are the signs and symptoms of COVID-19?

Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. The symptoms may range from mild to severe. Symptoms may include:

Fever or chills (100.4 or Higher)
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
sore throat
runny nose

What to do if you are sick?

  • If you are sick with COVID-19 or think you are infected with the virus, STAY AT HOME. It is essential that you take steps to help prevent the disease from spreading to people in your home or community. If you think you have been exposed to COVID-19 and develop a fever and symptoms, call your healthcare provider for medical advice.
  • Notify the school immediately (Athletic Director, Athletic Trainer, Coach)
  • It will be determined if others who may have been exposed (students, coaches, staff) need to be notified, isolated, and /or monitored for symptoms per the Health and Safety Protocol of E.L. Haynes.
  • If a positive case of COVID-19 is diagnosed, contact tracing will be implemented with the assistance of local health professionals and the CDC.

What do you do if a student or staff become ill with COVID-19 symptoms during practice, event, or during transportation to or from an event?

  • Every effort will be made to isolate the ill individual from others until the student or staff member can leave the school or event.
  • If student, parent/guardian will be contacted immediately, and arrangements will be made for the student to be picked up.
  • An ill individual will be asked to contact their physician or appropriate healthcare professional for direction.

Return of student or staff to athletics following a COVID-19 diagnosis?

  • Students and staff will be required to have medical clearance from their physician or appropriate healthcare professional, determined to be non-contagious, fever-free (without fever-reducing medicine), improvement in respiratory symptoms (cough, shortness of breath), no vomiting or diarrhea.


Should someone test positive at any time, the following measures will be taken:

  • The individual must let the staff know immediately.
  • The individuals in that student’s 10-person pod / group will be expected to self-quarantine for 14 days and/or receive a negative COVID-19 test.
  • The facility will be shut down for no less than 24 hours to deep clean


  • These rules and regulations apply to participation in any E.L. Haynes athletic activity on or off campus. 
  • All sessions are voluntary.
  • Anyone with an underlying condition that could cause a greater risk of COVID-19 should consult a physician prior to participating.
  • If a student/family does not feel comfortable participating in any activity, they should contact the coach prior to the workout.
  • Students must listen to the coaches and/or other athletic staff/sports medicine staff running activities.
  • Any student who cannot follow policies, procedures, and directions from staff will be asked to leave that day’s activity.

Any questions, please contact:

We are continually keeping up to date with the new information and changes that are occurring with Coronavirus. As always, our goal is to keep our community and student-athletes healthy and safe. At this time, we require a 14-day quarantine from workouts if you have traveled to areas that see an increase in cases or have played in any games or tournaments.

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